

A crucial year for energy and climate, between COP28 and G7 summit in Italy

Findings from the debate at the Center for American Studies with the Atlantic Council

Pubblicato il 02-10-2023

A crucial year for energy and cilmate

On September 6th, 2023, WEC Italy - Italian National Committee of the World Energy Council organized a round table in Rome at the Center for American Studies, focused on how the next year will be crucial, with respect to climate change, and how the COP28 and the Italian-led G7 will both have an essential role in defining further developments.

Guests and findings from the roundtable

Guests attending the round table included Landon Derentz (Senior Director and Morningstar Chair for Global Energy Security at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center), Matthew B. Golden (Counselor for Environment, Science, Technology and Health, U.S. Embassy), Marilena Barbaro (General Directorate of Infrastructure and Security, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security), Roberto Sgalla (Director, Center for American Studies), Houda Ben Jannet Allal (Director General, Observatoire Mediterraneen de l'Energie), moderated by Marco Margheri (Chairman, WEC Italy).

The discussion among experts and stakeholders in governance, industry, and academia revolved around a central theme: the necessity of developing equitable and collaborative partnerships as the linchpin for fostering dialogue among the diverse regions within the Mediterranean Basin. It is evident that the nations in the MED Area exhibit disparities, with Northern ones making swifter strides toward the energy transition, while their Southern counterparts progress at a more measured pace. The overarching goal is to advance collectively, identifying common objectives that transcend cultural and resource disparities, with the ultimate aim of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 as a united front.

In light of the ongoing global crisis, the Mediterranean Basin has once again captured international attention, positioning Italy as a potential bridge between Europe and Africa. The imperative is to diversify, decarbonize, and share knowledge through the exchange of expertise and best practices, thereby serving as a catalyst for the advancement of Southern Mediterranean nations, yielding mutual benefits. While it is crucial to explore diverse solutions, taking into account varying geographical and sectoral contexts, it is equally vital not to lose sight of another pivotal factor in the equation: society. Society acts as the binding agent and essential link in the ecological transition journey, underlining the significance of inclusive and collaborative efforts.

